Tag: plainfield

  • Plainfield, Connecticut Biomass Facility Changes Hands Again

    - by Bri­an Dowl­ing, March 25, 2015, Hart­ford Courant Lei­dos Inc. is sell­ing its Plain­field wood-fired pow­er plant to Green­leaf Pow­er, a Sacra­men­to com­pa­ny that is buy­ing bio­mass plants across North America. Green­leaf Pow­er announced Wednes­day it has agreed to buy the 37.5‑megawatt pow­er plant in a deal it expects to close lat­er this year. The com­pa­ny…

  • Plainfield, Vermont Biomass Continues to Rile Neighbors

    - by Eric Blais­dell, March 27, 2015, Ver­mont Pub­lic Radio Things got so heat­ed at Plainfield’s Select Board meet­ing Mon­day night in a dis­cus­sion about God­dard College’s planned bio­mass-fueled heat plant, that one elect­ed offi­cial told board mem­bers they’d be in “deep water” if they dis­re­gard­ed some res­i­dents’ wish­es to have anoth­er meet­ing on it. The school is…

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