Tag: trees

  • 2 arrested — Sunoco cutting trees for Mariner 2 pipeline route

    Suno­co is rapid­ly cut­ting down trees on the Ger­hart’s prop­er­ty in cen­tral PA to make way for more gas to be shipped overseas. Two peo­ple were arrest­ed today, one stu­dent from Juni­a­ta Col­lege, who is alleged to have crossed into the claimed Mariner East 2 pipeline right-of-way to warn crews that a tree they were…

  • Family defends maple syrup trees from gas pipeline

    Now through the end of March: Come up to Susque­han­na Coun­ty and defend the Holler­an fam­i­ly’s maple syrup grove from being cut down for a gas pipeline! http://wnep.com/2016/02/01/trees-on-chopping-block-for-natural-gas-pipe…“A fam­i­ly’s maple syrup oper­a­tion is in jeop­ardy in Susque­han­na County…”

  • Hardwood Trees Chipped for Nova Scotia Biomass

    - by Roger Tay­lor, Feb­ru­ary 26, 2015, Her­ald Business Hard­wood trees are being allowed to go up in smoke, and with them a num­ber of rur­al man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs that are hard to replace. It is easy to reach that con­clu­sion after read­ing sto­ries about sev­er­al com­pa­nies in rur­al Nova Sco­tia that have been mak­ing prod­ucts from…

  • Cutting the Trees We Need to Save the Forest

    -  by Bob Berwyn, July 7, 2014, The Col­orado Independent Even here, in a cool for­est hol­low near Ten­mile Creek, you can feel the tom-toms. It’s a dis­tant beat, born in the mar­bled halls of Con­gress, where polit­i­cal forces blow an ill wind across Colorado’s forests. Near­ly every West­ern elect­ed offi­cial with a clump of shrub­by…

  • Half the Wood for New Hampshire Biomass Incinerator from Out of State

    - by Chris Jensen, May 23, 2014, New Hamp­shire Pub­lic Radio About 51 per­cent of the wood pur­chased for the new Burgess BioPow­er bio­mass plant in Berlin dur­ing its first two months of oper­a­tion came from New Hamp­shire, accord­ing to a new “sus­tain­abil­i­ty” report filed with the state’s Site Eval­u­a­tion Committee. Thir­ty-five per­cent came from Maine. Five per­cent from Vermont.…

  • The Height of Stupidity? Jet Fuel from Trees

    [Yet anoth­er bad idea fueled by the fan­ta­sy of infi­nite growth. ‑Ed.] - May 9, 2014,  Source: Phys Org A key chal­lenge in the bio­fu­els land­scape is to get more advanced biofuels—fuels oth­er than corn ethanol and veg­etable oil-based biodiesel—into the trans­porta­tion pool. Uti­liza­tion of advanced bio­fu­els is stip­u­lat­ed by the Ener­gy Inde­pen­dence and Secu­ri­ty Act; how­ev­er,…

  • Trees Are Not the Solution to Our Electricity Needs

    - by Mar­vin Rober­son, April 27, 2014. Source: Detroit Free Press There is a lot of con­cern in Michi­gan, espe­cial­ly the Upper Penin­su­la, about meet­ing future elec­tri­cal needs. Many aging, pol­lut­ing coal plants are soon to go offline, as they should. New coal plants are unlike­ly to replace them, and would be a poor choice even if…

  • Are Climate Claims for Burning Renewable Trees a Smokescreen?

    - by Robert McClure, April 21, 2014. Source: The Tyee/Investigate West Nes­tled into a sea­side for­est on the Uni­ver­si­ty of British Columbi­a’s lands, amid a car­pet of sword ferns and salal, sits a gleam­ing indus­tri­al facil­i­ty that’s been hailed as a sig­nif­i­cant step toward a car­bon-neu­tral future for B.C., Cana­da and even the world. The wood-gas fired…

  • Whole Trees 90% of Rothschild, WI Biomass Incinerator Fuel

    - by Kevin Mur­phy, Feb­ru­ary 26, 2014. Source: Wasau Dai­ly Herald wausaudai­ly­her­ald The recent­ly built pow­er plant at Dom­tar paper mill is get­ting only 10 per­cent of its fuel from log­ging waste, which orig­i­nal­ly was sup­posed to sup­ply near­ly all of the plant’s ener­gy needs. The 50-megawatt, $255 mil­lion pow­er plant went online in Novem­ber to pro­vide steam for Domtar’s paper…

  • Genetically Engineered Trees as Biofuel Feedstock

    [Now that corn ethanol has fall­en out of favor polit­i­cal­ly, the bioen­er­gy indus­try will be focus­ing more and more on forests.] - by Alex Mara­gos, Novem­ber 28, 2014, WLFI Ethanol made from corn already pow­ers mil­lions of cars and trucks on the road, but a group of researchers at Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty wants to make bio­fu­el bet­ter.…